To accomplish its purpose, the WWTABC provides a comprehensive Truss Plant Qualification Program for its members. The Program is the product of years of accumulated knowledge of many individuals within the industry.

There are two major components of this program:

  • internal in-plant quality inspections and,
  • external quality audits

One of the conditions of qualification is that plants subscribe to regular unannounced quality audits to verify the ongoing quality of lumber, plating, and overall manufacturing details of trusses. It serves as a means for plants to demonstrate compliance with the following Minimum Quality Manufacturing Criteria:

  • Truss Design Procedures and Specifications for Light Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses, Appendix G, Minimum Quality Manufacturing Criteria.
  • The above Standard is referenced in the BC Building Code, Article Roof Trusses.

Truss Plant Qualification Stamp

A plant’s continuing qualification to manufacture in compliance with the above Minimum Quality Manufacturing Criteria is located on each truss.

Please click on the link below to view the Western Wood Truss Association Qualification Stamp.

Truss Plant Qualification Certificate

Please click on the link below to view the Western Wood Truss Association Truss Plant Qualification Certificte